OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.OkBye February 2019.
OkBye2019 Feb

WhenLauren and Bartfrom OKBYE invited me this January to be one of four developers from all over the world to work with them on two amazing project for Redbull,

'Yeah, right… They invited a kid from Serbia to work with them in Bali, Indonesia.
Aha, no way…'


The rest was pretty smooth. I missed the flight (whoops), arrived on February 6th and finally met all of them at thismost amazing villa ever.We hugged and I spent the rest of the day recovering from the jet lag in the pool.

A portrait of Lauren.
A portrait of Bart.
A portrait of Momcilo.
A portrait of Basti.
A portrait of Daniel.
A portrait of Lawson.

Nadia and Dia prepared all kinds of typicalBalinese foodfor us. Every day. For breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between. I can still feel the chili in the air.

The rest of the crew at the villatook care of everythingin order for us to focus on our work and enjoy our time.

We traveled aroundtogether,swam under thewaterfalls,visitedUluwatu Temple,got sunburned atNyang Nyang Beach…And, of course, we worked like crazy. 5 days a week. 3 hours a day. The rest of the day was: swimming pool, lunch, personal projects, reading, massages, bintang, massages, motorbike, massages, swimming pool… You get the point.

But, jokes aside,we did workreally hard for those few hours a day. We were working on two exciting projects for Redbul's new gaming platform. We developed Rubik's Race, a web version of a well-known Rubik’s cube game and a synth game.

Making them all work perfectly on both mobile and desktop devices, with all the audio, advanced animations and mathematics was challenging and these insightful goals required us to combine our different skills and knowledge to succeed. And at the end, we made it work!

We spent the last day in thepool,listening to chill music Bart was playing from his speakers, talking about all the amazing things that we made happen and trying to figure out how to stay at the villa forever.

The most productive and healthy month of our lives came to an end. We hugged once again and promised each other we'll meet in Bali again soon. Then we took our flights back home.

From this perspective, a month @ OKBYE feels like a social experiment to see whether people who have never met before, in a completely relaxing, almost zen-like environment, can collaborate together on short-deadline projects. It seems to me like the experiment was successful. No billiard tables or a fancy machines can beat reasonable working hours and an inspirational environment.

I wholeheartedly fell in love with Bali, and plan to move there for few months this winter.

OkBye logo.Thank you.